The Interactable monobehaviour is required on any Prefab that the player will be able to interact with. It is also required on Prefabs that are remotely controlled by switches.
Interactable inherits from the base class, Spawnable. All Interactables can have one or more interactable options. The Interactable component allows the object to be interacted with, and the Interactable Options provide unique functionality and interaction options.
In addition to the properties of the base class, Spawnable, Interactable has the following properties.
Show Tooltip
If true, a UI tooltip will be shown when the mouse hovers over the object.
Interactable Name
The name of the object that will be shown in the mouseover tooltip.
Glow On Mouse Over
If true, the material of the object will be replaced with a glowing material while the mouse is hovering over it.
Glow Color
The default color of the glow outline. This will be overridden on character units depending on the faction relationship color.
Interaction Tooltip Text
Set this value to override the default 'Interact' option for the gamepad interaction tooltip
Not Interactable
Set this value to prevent direct interaction from the player. This can be useful for interactables that only need to be activated with control switches.
Interact With Any
Set this to true to allow triggering interaction with anything that has a collider, not just players.
Interact On Exit
Set this to true to cause the interaction to trigger on when something exits the collider.
Is Trigger
If true, interaction is triggered by a collider, and not by clicking with the mouse
Suppress Interaction Window
Set this to true to automatically activate the first interactable instead of opening the interaction window and presenting the player with interaction options.
Interaction Max Range
For everything except character unit interactions, the interactor must be within this range of this objects collider. This does not apply to interactions triggered by switches.
Check Options To Spawn
Spawn Requires Valid Option
Despawn Requires No Valid Options
Component Controller
Reference to local component controller prefab with nameplate target, speakers, etc.
Unit Component Controller
Reference to local component controller prefab with nameplate target, speakers, etc.
Any interactable that will be directly interacted with needs a Collider component, so that it can be clicked on.
One or more Interactable Option Components must be present for any interactions to be possible.
Last updated