Currency Group

A currency group is a collection of currencies that can be automatically converted using defined exchange rates, similar to dollars and cents in the real world.


To create a currency group, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/CurrencyGroup folder in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > Currencies > CurrencyGroup.



Base Currency Name

The name of the smallest unit of Currency in this group.

Base Currency

A direct link to the scriptable object that defines the smallest unit of Currency in this group.

Currency Group Rates

A list of currencies and exchange rates relative to the base Currency. Currency Name The name of the unit of currency. Currency A direct link to the scriptable object that defines the unit of currency. Base Multiple The number of units of the base Currency that make up a single unit of this Currency.

Next Steps

  • Define a currency group as the default currency group in the System Configuration Manager, which will display that currency group in vendor windows when buying or selling items.

Last updated