
Factions allow for groups of characters to have the same relationship disposition toward other groups of characters.


To create a faction, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/Faction folder in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > Factions > Faction.



New Game Option

If true, this faction can be chosen as the faction the player will be part of when starting a new game.

Default Starting Zone

The zone (Scene) that new players will start in if this faction is chosen when starting a new game.

Default Starting Location Tag

If not empty, players starting as this faction will spawn at the transform with this tag.


A list of Character Races that are available to choose from when this faction is selected when starting a new game.

Add System Profiles

If true, the Default Unit Profiles from the System Configuration Manager will be available to choose from when this faction is selected when starting a new game.

Character Creator Profile Names

A list of Unit Profiles that the player can choose from when starting as this faction.

Environment Preview

Equipment Names

A list of Equipment that will be worn by a new player when starting the game as this faction.

Default Disposition

The disposition (relationship) that this faction has toward any faction not specifically in its disposition list.

Disposition List

A list of factions and the dispositions that this faction will have toward them. Faction Name The name of a faction Disposition The disposition (relationship) that this faction will have toward them.


A list of Capabilities that any character that is part of this faction will have.

Class Capability List

A list of character classes, and the capabilities that those classes will have. Character Classes A list of Character Classes. Capabilities The specific Capabilities that any Character Class in the Character Classes list will have.

Next Steps

  • Configure the System Configuration Manager to allow choosing a faction when starting a new game.

Last updated