Combat Strategy
A combat strategy defines phases of a fight, which controls what abilities and buffs an AI character will use depending on their health.
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A combat strategy defines phases of a fight, which controls what abilities and buffs an AI character will use depending on their health.
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To create a class specialization, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/CombatStrategy folder in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > Combat > CombatStrategy.
Phase Nodes
A list of phases, defined by the health the AI has. Max Health Percent The phase will be started when the AI health drops to this level. Min Health Percent The phase will be ended when the AI health drops to this level. Phase Music Profile Name The Audio Profile containing the links to the audio clips to play during the phase. Maintain Buff Names A list of Abilities to cast to buff the AI. Attack Ability Names A list of attack Abilities the AI will use against others during the phase.
Assign a combat strategy to a Unit Profile.