Water Body
A Water Body is an enclosed area the player can float and swim within.
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A Water Body is an enclosed area the player can float and swim within.
Last updated
My Collider
A link to a Collider.
Use Fog
If true, fog will be enabled when the camera is within the bounds of the collider to give a realistic under water effect by limiting the distance that the player can see.
Fog Color
The color of the fog to be used when the camera is in the water.
Fog Density
The density of the fog. More dense fog means the distance a player can see is smaller.
Enter Water Audio Profile Name
An containing a link to an audio clip to play for a splash sound when entering the water.
Swim Loop Audio Profile Name
An containing a link to an audio clip to loop when the player is swimming on the surface of the water.
Swim Hits Audio Profile Name
An containing a link to audio clip to play whenever the players hands hit the water when the player is swimming on the surface of the water.
A collider is required on the same GameObject as the Water Body so that players can be detected when they enter the water.