UMA Model Profile
An UMA model profile contains information about an UMA model so that the character editor can show the the correct slots.
Last updated
An UMA model profile contains information about an UMA model so that the character editor can show the the correct slots.
Last updated
To create an UMA model profile, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/UMAModelProfile folder in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > UMAModelProfile.
Swappable mesh model profiles, contain one property, Model Options, which contains a list of Slot Options with following fields.
Slot Name
The name of the UMA wardrobe slot this option applies to.
Recipe List Type
Deny All the recipes in the Recipe Names list will not be shown in the character editor. Allow Only the recipes in the Recipe Names list will be shown in the character editor.
Recipe Names
A list of UMA wardrobe recipes.
Add an UMA model profile to a Unit Prefab Profile.