Prefab Profile

A prefab profile contains a link to a Unity Prefab and information about how to position and scale it relative to its parent.


To create a prefab profile, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/PrefabProfile folder in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > PrefabProfile.




A link to a Unity Prefab to spawn.


The Vector3 position of the Prefab relative to its parent, when held (unsheathed).

Rotation Is Global

If true, the value in the Rotation property will be considered global, rather than local (relative to the parent).


The Vector3 rotation of the Prefab when held (unsheathed).


The Vector3 scale of the Prefab relative to the parent when held (unsheathed).

Target Bone

The GameObject in the hierarchy to attach the Prefab to when held (unsheathed).

Unsheath Audio Profile name

The name of an Audio Profile that contains a link to an audio clip to play when the Prefab is moved to the unsheathed position.

Sheathed Position

The Vector3 position of the Prefab relative to its parent, when sheathed.

Sheathed Rotation

The Vector3 rotation of the Prefab when sheathed.

Sheathed Scale

The Vector3 scale of the Prefab relative to the parent when sheathed.

Sheathed Target Bone

The GameObject in the hierarchy to attach the Prefab to when sheathed.

Sheath Audio Profile Name

The name of an Audio Profile that contains a link to an audio clip to play when the Prefab is moved to the sheathed position.

Use Item Pickup

If true, the following values will be used for item pickups instead of the default (sheathed) values.

Pickup Position

The Vector3 position of the Prefab relative to its parent, when used as an item pickup.

Pickup Rotation

The Vector3 rotation of the Prefab when used as an item pickup.

Pickup Scale

The Vector3 scale of the Prefab relative to the parent when used as an item pickup.

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