Knock Back Effect

A knock back effect knocks the character away from the caster, sending them flying backwards in the air.


To create a knock back effect, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/AbilityEffect folder (or any subfolder) in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > Abilities > Effects > KnockBackEffect.


In addition to all the properties of its parent class, Fixed Length Effect, knock back effects have the following properties.


Knockback Type

An enumeration of knockback types. Knockback The knockback direction will be calculated from the caster to the target. Explosion The knockback direction will be calculated from a point.

Knock Back Velocity

The speed the character should be knocked back at.

Knock Back Angle

The angle the character should be knocked upwards at.

Explosion Radius

The radius from the center point point of the explosion where targets will be affected.

Explosion Force

The amount of force to apply to targets of the explosion.

Upward Modifier

The amount of upward force to apply to targets of the explosion.

Explosion Mask

The layers to hit when performing the explosion.

Next steps

  • Add a knock back effect to an Ability.

  • Add a knock back effect to another Ability Effect to chain them together.

Last updated