Teleport Config
A teleport config creates a teleport interactable option, allowing the player to teleport to another scene by interacting with it.
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A teleport config creates a teleport interactable option, allowing the player to teleport to another scene by interacting with it.
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To create a teleport config, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/InteractableOptionConfig folder in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > Interactable > TeleportConfig.
Location Tag
The name of a tag to search for in the scene. If the tag is found, the player will spawn at the location of the GameObject with the tag.
Override Spawn Location
If true, the player will spawn at the Vector3 location in the Spawn Location field.
Spawn Location
The Vector3 location the player will spawn at if the Override Spawn Location field is set to true.
Override Spawn Direction
If true the player will spawn with their forward direction set to the Vector3 direction in the Spawn Forward Direction field.
Spawn Forward Direction
The Vector3 direction that the player should be facing when they spawn if the Override Spawn Direction field is set to true.
Ability Name
The name of to cast.
Add a teleport config to an Interactable to allow the player to teleport to another scene by interacting with it.