Quest Giver Config
A quest giver config creates a quest giver interactable option, allowing the player to start or turn in quests when they interact with the character.
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A quest giver config creates a quest giver interactable option, allowing the player to start or turn in quests when they interact with the character.
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To create a quest giver config, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/InteractableOptionConfig folder in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > Interactable > QuestGiverConfig.
A list of that can be started or turned in.
Quest Giver Profile Names
A list of names of , which contain shared lists of that can be re-used across different quest givers.
Add a quest giver config to a Unit Profile to allow starting and turning in quests by interacting with the character.