Character Stat
Character stats are attributes that define a character's aptitudes and can affect secondary stats, power resource amounts, and power resource regeneration rates.
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Character stats are attributes that define a character's aptitudes and can affect secondary stats, power resource amounts, and power resource regeneration rates.
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To create a character stat, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/CharacterStat folder in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > Character Stat.
These properties exist only in character stat scriptable objects.
Global Stat
If true, all characters will receive the stat.
These general properties exist anywhere primary stats are defined in other scriptable objects.
Budget Per Level
The amount of the stat that a character will receive for every level.
Primary To Secondary Conversion
The amount of each secondary stat that a character will gain for each point of the primary stat. Secondary Stat Type A secondary stat. Conversion Ratio The number of points of each secondary stat that will be gained per point of primary stat. Rated Conversion A rated conversion is for stats that are percentages. At level 1 you will need 100 points of this secondary stat for 100%, 200 points at level 2, etc. The percent chance at any level is equal to this value multiplied by (Total Stat Amount / Current Level). This allows you to increase of decrease the 100 point requirement for 100% chance.
Primary To Resource Conversion
A list of the amount of power resources that will be regenerated per tick per point of primary stat. Power Resource The name of the Power Resource that will be regenerated. Percent Per Tick The percentage of the Power Resource that will be regenerated per point of Character Stat every tick that the character is not in combat. Amount Per Tick The amount of the Power Resource that will be regenerated per point of Character Stat every tick that the character is not in combat. Combat Percent Per Tick The percentage of the Power Resource that will be regenerated per point of Character Stat every tick that the character is in combat. Combat Amount Per Tick The amount of the Power Resource that will be regenerated per point of Character Stat every tick that the character is not in combat.
Customize Character Classes by adding Stat Scaling Nodes that give them custom stat budgets, primary to secondary conversions, primary to resource conversions, and power resource regeneration rates.
Customize Character Races by adding Stat Scaling Nodes that give them custom stat budgets, primary to secondary conversions, primary to resource conversions, and power resource regeneration rates.
Customize Class Specializations by adding Stat Scaling Nodes that give them custom stat budgets, primary to secondary conversions, primary to resource conversions, and power resource regeneration rates.
Customize Unit Profiles by adding Stat Scaling Nodes that give them custom stat budgets, primary to secondary conversions, primary to resource conversions, and power resource regeneration rates.
Customize Unit Types by adding Stat Scaling Nodes that give them custom stat budgets, primary to secondary conversions, primary to resource conversions, and power resource regeneration rates.
A list of and the number of points of that resource gained per point of the primary stat. Resource Name The name of the that will be increased. Resource Per Point The amount of the that will be gained per point of Character Stat.