Power Resource Potion

Power resource potions refill power resources and perform animated actions.


To create a power resource potion, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/Item folder in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > Inventory > Items > Power Resource Potion.


Power resource potions are a type of item. See Items for their base properties.


Tool Tip

This text will appear in the tooltip "Use:" section and describes what the item does when used.

Cool Down

The time in seconds that must pass after using this item before another item of the same type can be used again.

Action Type

None This item will not cause the character to perform any action when used. Inline The action properties will be defined directly. Named The action properties defined by the named Animated Action will be performed by the character.

Action Name

The name of an Animated Action the character will perform when the item is used.

Action Properties

Animated Action properties defined directly on this item that the character will perform when the item is used.

Resource Amounts

A list of Power Resources and the amounts of each that will be refilled when this item is used.

Next Steps

  • Add a power resource potion to a Vendor Collection so it can be purchased from a Vendor.

  • Add a power resource potion to a Loot Table so that it can drop upon defeat of an enemy.

  • Add a power resource potion as an output to a Recipe so that it can be crafted.

Last updated