Ability Effects
Ability effects are the components (building blocks) responsible for the behavior or all spells or attacks and can be combined together to create unique and power abilities.
All ability effects share a common set of properties, listed in the table below.
Target Options
Chance To Cast
The percentage chance that this ability effect will be cast when called.
Effect Material Name
Material Change Duration
The number of seconds the target material should be changed for, before changing the material back to the original one.
On Hit Audio Profile Names
Random Audio Profiles
Hit Ability Effect Names
Input Multiplier
All ability effects pass on information about how much damage or healing they did to the next ability effect they cast. This number will be multiplied by those amounts before adding them to the amounts of the current ability effect.
Threat Multiplier
The basic threat any ability effect does will be multiplied by this amount.
Length Effect Properties
Length Effects, which are ability effects that have a duration, have the following additional properties.
Ability Prefab Source
An enumeration that defines what sources will be used for holdable objects (visual effects). Both Holdable objects defined directly in the ability, and defined in the weapon will be spawned. Ability Only holdable objects defined in the ability will be spawned Weapon Only holdable objects defined in the weapon will be spawned.
Random Prefabs
If true, a random prefab will be selected from the Ability Prefab Source instead of spawning all of them.
Ability Object List
Prefab Spawn Location
An enumeration of options that define where the visual effects for this ability effect should spawn. None No prefabs should be spawned. Caster The prefabs should be spawned with the caster as their parent. Target The prefabs should be spawned with the target as their parent. Ground Target The prefabs should be spawned at the location of the ground target of the original ability, if one was used. Original Target The prefabs should be spawned with the original target of the ability as its parent. Target Point The prefab should be spawned at the location of the current target, with no parent. Caster Point The prefab should be spawned at the location of the caster, with no parent.
Prefab Destroy Delay
The amount of time, in seconds, that visual effect prefabs should persists past the end of the ability effect before being destroyed.
Destroy On End Cast
If true, the visual effect prefabs will be destroyed when casting ends, regardless of prefab lifetime.
Tick Rate
The number of seconds that should pass between ticks.
Cast Zero Tick
If true, a tick will happen immedialy at the start of the ability effect.
Tick Ability Effect Names
A list of ability effects to cast on each tick.
On Tick Audio Profile Names
Random Tick Audio Profiles
Complete Ability Effect Names
A list of ability effects to cast when the duration of the current ability effect is complete.
Fixed Length Effect Properties
In addition to all the properties of its parent class, Length Effect, fixed length effects have the following additional properties.
Default Prefab Lifetime
The length of time, in seconds, that any visual effect prefab should last before being destroyed.
Amount Effect Properties
In addition to all the properties of its parent class, Instant Effect, amount effects have the following additional properties.
Allow Critical Strike
If true, the amount of the effect can be increased to a critical amount, determined by the casters critical strike chance.
Resource Amounts
Ignore Accuracy
If true, the effect will always hit, regardless of current accuracy.
Target Options
Target options control which targets will be considered valid targets for the purpose of determining if the ability can be cast on the target.
Require Target
If true, the character must have a target selected.
Require Line Of Sight
The caster requires a clear line of sight to the target.
Require Live Target
The target must be alive.
Require Dead Target
The target must be dead.
Can Cast On Self
The ability can be cast on the caster.
Can Cast On Others
The ability can be cast on targets other than the caster.
Can Cast On Enemy
Can Cast On Neutral
Can Cast On Friendly
Auto Self Cast
If true, and the caster does not have a target, the ability effect will automatically choose the caster as the target.
Unit Type Restrictions
Use Melee Range
If true, the ability effect can only be cast on a target when that target is in the casters hit box.
Max Range
If Use Melee Range is false, the ability effect will have a maximum range of this value.
Line Of Sight Source Location
When calculating line of sight, the following origin location will be used. Caster The line of sight will be calculated from the caster, to the current target. Ground Target The line of sight will be calculated from the original ground target, to the current target. Original Target The line of sight will be calculated from the original target, to the current target.
Target Range Source Location
When calculating the range to the target for the purpose of determining maximum range, the following source location will be used. Caster The target range will be calculated from the caster, to the current target. Ground Target The target range will be calculated from the original ground target, to the current target. Original Target The target range will be calculated from the original target, to the current target.
Next steps
Add an ability effect to an Ability.
Add an ability effect to another ability effect to chain them together.
Last updated