Behavior Profile
A behavior profile is a list of commands that can be sent to a character unit at specified time intervals using Unity's SendMessage functionality.
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A behavior profile is a list of commands that can be sent to a character unit at specified time intervals using Unity's SendMessage functionality.
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To create a behavior profile, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/BehaviorProfile folder in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > BehaviorProfile.
Behavior Nodes
A list of Behavior Nodes.
Prerequisite Conditions
A list of Prerequisite Conditions.
If true, the object that is using this behavior profile will automatically play the behavior when activated.
Allow Manual Start
If true, this behavior will appear on the list of interaction options for this character unit and can be manually started by the player.
If true, this behavior can be played more than once.
If true, this behavior will automatically play again when finished.
Start Time
The time, in seconds, when the behavior node should play.
Behavior Action Nodes
A list of behavior action nodes. Behavior Method The name of the method to call using Unity's SendMessage function. Behavior Parameter A string parameter to send as the parameter to the Behavior Method.