Food is a type of resource that is consumed on use and can restore power resources and cast status effects to buff the user.
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Food is a type of resource that is consumed on use and can restore power resources and cast status effects to buff the user.
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To create food, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/Item folder (or any subfolder) in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > Inventory > Items > Food.
In addition to the properties shared by all Items, food has the following unique properties.
Consumption Verb
The verb to use in the casting tip.
Holdable Object List
A list of PrefabProfiles that contain links to GameObjects that will be held while the food is being consumed. Holdable Object Name The name of a PrefabProfile that contains a link to a GameObject. Use Universal Attachment If true, attachment points from the PrefabProfile will be ignored, and the universal attachment in the Attachment Name field will be used. Attachment Name The Node Name field from one of the Attachment Point Nodes in an Attachment Profile.
Animation Clip
An animation clip to play while the food is being consumed.
Animation Profile Name
The name of an Animation Profile that contains an animation clip to play while the food is being consumed.
Casting Audio Clip
An audio clip to play while the food is being consumed.
Casting Audio Profile Name
The name of an Audio Profile that contains an audio clip to play while the food is being consumed.
Tick Rate
The number of seconds that should elapse between each tick, where Power Resources from the Resource Amounts list are restored while eating.
Resource Amounts
A list of Power Resources and the amounts to restore while eating. Resource Name The name of a Power Resource. Min Amount If the amount is lower than this value, it will be raised to this value. Base Amount Amount not scaled by level. Max Amount If the amount is higher than this value, it will be lowered to this value. 0 is unlimited.
Status Effect
A Status Effect to cast on the user when the food is completely consumed.
Add food to a Vendor Collection so it can be purchased from a Vendor.
Add food to a Loot Table so that it can drop upon defeat of an enemy.
Add food as an output to a Recipe so that it can be crafted.