Attack Effect
An attack effect does damage to a target, draining one or more power resources.
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An attack effect does damage to a target, draining one or more power resources.
Last updated
To create an attack effect, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/AbilityEffect folder (or any subfolder) in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > Abilities > Effects > AttackEffect.
In addition to all the properties of its parent class, Amount Effect, attack effects have the following properties.
Weapon Attack
If true, this attack will be considered to have been landed by the equipped . It will play sounds, as well as trigger effects and active on-hit effects.
Damage Type
An enumeration of damage types. Physical damage and physical power will be added to the damage amounts. Ability Spell power will be added to the damage amounts.
Ignore Armor Percent
If the Damage Type is Physical, the percentage of the target armor to ignore when dealing damage.
Add an attack effect to an Ability.
Add an attack effect to another Ability Effect to chain them together.