Prerequisite Conditions
Prerequisite conditions are lists of conditions that must be satisfied, and can be used to gate objects from spawning or interactable options from being available.
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Prerequisite conditions are lists of conditions that must be satisfied, and can be used to gate objects from spawning or interactable options from being available.
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Require Any
If true, only one condition needs to be satisfied for the prerequisite to be met.
Reverse Match
If true, the prerequisites will use use NOT logic, and must be false to be met.
Level Prerequisites
A list of level prerequisites that must be met. Required Level The character must be at or above this level for the prerequisite to be met.
Character Class Prerequisites
A list of prerequisites that must be met. Required Character Class The character class that the character must be for the prerequisite to be met.
Quest Prerequisites
A list of prerequisites that must be met. Prerequisite Name The name of the quest. If Require Complete and Require Turned In are false, the character must have the quest in their quest log. Step Index For multi-step quests, the step of the quest that must be active. Require Complete If true, the quest must be marked complete. Require Turned In If true, the quest must be turned in.
Dialog Prerequisites
A list of prerequisites that must be met. Prerequisite Name The name of the that must be completed.
Visit Zone Prerequisites
A list of visit zone prerequisites that must be met. Prerequisite Name The name of the Scene that must have been visited for the prerequisite to be met.
Trade Skill Prerequisites
A list of trade skill prerequisites that must be met. Prerequisite Name The name of the the character must know for the prerequisite to be met.
Ability Prerequisites
A list of ability prerequisites that must be met. Prerequisite Name The name of the that must be known for the prerequisite to be met.
Faction Prerequisites
A list of faction prerequisites that must be met. Prerequisite Name The name of the faction the character must have reputation with. Prerequisite Disposition The amount of reputation the character must have.