Animation Profile

An animation profile stores a list of animations for re-use in unit prefab properties or weapons.


To create an animation profile, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/AnimationProfile folder in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > Animation > Profile.



Use Root Motion

If true, root motion will be enabled on the character while the animation is playing, causing the player to move according to the position data in the animation.

Suppress Adjust Animator Speed

If true, the animations will play at their default speed no matter the movement speed or casting speed of the character being animated.

Attack Clips

A list of possible animations to play when the character is performing attacks that do not have their own animation profile assigned. If this animation profile is assigned to a special animated attack, then the list will only be applied to that attack.

Cast Clips

A list of possible animations to play when the character is casting spells that do not have their own animation profile assigned. If this animation profile is assigned to a specific spell, then the list will only be applied to that spell.

Take Damage Clips

Not yet implemented.

Out Of Combat Movement

Animations to play when the character not in combat.

Full Combat Mirror

If true, the character will use the out of combat animations when they are in combat. This can be useful if a character has no specific in-combat animations included.

<Animation Name> Mirror

Each combat animation can instead use an out of combat animation if these boxes are true. This setting is useful when a character only includes a partial set of combat animations.

Combat <Animation Name> Clip

An animation clip to play for a specific state when in combat.

Death Clip

An animation clip to play when the character dies.

Revive Clip

An animation clip to play when the character is being revived from dead.

Levitated Clip

An animation clip to play when the character is being levitated off the ground.

Swim Idle Clip

An animation clip to play when the character is in the water and not moving.

Swim Move Clip

An animation clip to play when the character is in the water and moving.

Fly Idle Clip

An animation clip to play when the character is flying, but not moving.

Fly Move Clip

An animation clip to play when the character is flying, and moving.


Not all available animations need to be assigned since any animation profile used for a character or weapon will only override the base animation profile in use.

If this animation profile will be used for an animated attack, the animation(s) should be placed in the Attack Clips list.

If this animation profile will be used for an ability (spell) the animation(s) should be placed in the Cast Clips list.

Next Steps

  • Assign the animation profile to a Weapon to override the movement and auto-attack animations used while that weapon is equipped.

  • Assign the animation profile to a Weapon Skill to override the movement and auto-attack animations for any weapon with that weapon skill assigned while equipped.

  • Assign the animation profile to an Animated Ability to use the Attack Clips for the attack animations.

  • Assign the animation profile to an Ability to use the Cast Clips for casting animations.

  • Assign the animation profile to a Unit Prefab Profile, or Unit Prefab Properties on a Unit Profile to override the default system animations for that character.

Last updated