Power Resource
A power resource is any resource a character can use to cast abilities. This includes health, since it is possible to configure an ability to use up health upon casting.
To create a power resource, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/PowerResource folder in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > PowerResource.
Name | Description |
Display Color | A color that will be used when displaying this resource in unit frames. |
Base Amount | A base amount that all characters with this resource will receive. |
Amount Per Level | Every character with this resource will have their maximum amount increased by this much for every level they gain. |
Tick Rate | The number of seconds that should elapse between each regeneration of this resource. |
Amount Per Tick | When not in combat and regeneration occurs, this amount will be restored (or used if the value is negative). |
Percent Per Tick | When not in combat and regeneration occurs, this percentage of the maximum possible current value will be restored. |
Combat Amount Per Tick | When in combat and regeneration occurs, this amount will be restored (or used if the value is negative). |
Combat Percent Per Tick | When in combat and regeneration occurs, this percentage of the maximum possible current value will be restored. |
Maximum Amount | If this amount is greater than zero, the resource has a fixed maximum amount that will not change based on character level. |
Is Health | If true, this is considered to be a health resource. When all of a character's health resources reach zero, they will die. Multiple health resources are allowed. |
Fill On Reset | If true, when the character evades, levels up, or spawns, this resource will be filled to its maximum amount. |
Next Steps
Assign a power resource to a Unit Profile.
Assign a power resource to a Character Class.
Assign a power resource to a Class Specialization.
Assign a power resource to a Unit Type.
Assign a power resource to a Character Race.
Assign a power resource to the System Configuration Manager, making it globally available to all characters.
Last updated