Equipment is any type of item that can be equipped on a character.
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Equipment is any type of item that can be equipped on a character.
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To create equipment, find (or create) the GameName/Resources/GameName/Item/Equipment folder (or any subfolder) in the project tab and right click. Choose Create > AnyRPG > Inventory > Equipment > Equipment.
In addition to the properties shared by all Items, equipment has the following unique properties.
Equipment Slot Type
Equipment Set Name
Uma Recipe Profile Name
UMA Recipe Profile Properties
Holdable Object List
A list of attachment nodes, which define any physical GameObjects that will be attached to the character when this equipment is equipped. Equipment Slot Profile Name
Use Armor Modifier
If true, this item will provide the wearer with armor.
Use Manual Armor
If true, the armor value must be input manually and will not be calculated based on armor class and item level.
Manual Value Is Scale
If true, the manual value is per level, instead of a total.
Armor Modifier
The amount of armor to provide if the manual settings were used.
Primary Stats
Random Secondary Stats
Secondary Stats
A list of secondary stats and amounts of those stats that will be provided when the equipment is equipped. Secondary Stat The secondary stat to provide when the equipment is equipped. Base Amount An amount of the Secondary Stat to provide that is constant and does not scale with level. Amount Per Level An amount of the Secondary Stat to provide per level. Base Multiplier After amount values are added together, they will be multiplied by this number.
On Equip Status Effect
Learned Ability Names
Configure a Unit Profile's Equipment Name List to provide this equipment to newly created characters.
Configure a Character Class' Equipment Names list to provide this equipment to newly created characters of that class.
Configure a Character Race's Equipment Names list to provide this equipment to newly created characters of that race.
Configure a Class Specialization's Equipment Names list to provide this equipment to a newly created characters of that specialization.
Add equipment to a Loot Table so that it can drop when an enemy is defeated.
Add equipment to a Vendor Collection and make it available on a vendor.
Add equipment to an Equipment Set to give it unique set bonuses when one or more pieces of a set are equipped.
Add equipment as an output to a Recipe so that it can be crafted.
The of this equipment.
The name of any that this equipment belongs to.
The name of a shared for this equipment, which defines which UMA recipe(s) will be shown on a character when this equipment is equipped.
Properties of an that only apply to this equipment, which define which UMA recipe(s) will be shown on a character when this equipment is equipped.
The name of an Holdable Object Name The name of a which contains a link to a GameObject to show when the equipment is equipped in the of the above property. Use Universal Attachment If true, ignore any attachment points in the and use the named attachments below. Primary Attachment Name The Node Name of an Attachment Point Node in an to use when this equipment is equipped, but not held. Unsheathed Attachment Name The Node Name of an Attachment Point Node in an to use when this equipment is equipped, and held.
A list of and values that this armor will provide when equipped. Stat Name The name of a to provide when equipped. Use Manual Value If true, the stat value entered in the Manual Modifier Value field will be used instead of an automatically scaled value, based on item level and . Manual Modifier Value If Use Manal Value is true, the value in this field will be used.
If true, the Secondary Stats will be chosen randomly up to a limit defined by the in the Item Quality field.
A that will be cast on the character when the item is equipped.
A list of names of that will be learned when the equipment is equipped, and unlearned when the equipment is unequipped.