New Game Wizard
The New Game Wizard will add a new game to your project and fully configure all the minimally required directories, scriptable objects, prefabs and scenes so it is ready to play immediately.
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The New Game Wizard will add a new game to your project and fully configure all the minimally required directories, scriptable objects, prefabs and scenes so it is ready to play immediately.
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There are 2 new game wizards included with AnyRPG; an UMA version, and a non-UMA version. They both function the same, except the UMA version installs the UMA_GLIB prefab (required for UMA to work properly), and UMA models for the player instead of mecanim models.
The standard New Game Wizard can be opened by clicking Tools in the menu bar, and selecting AnyRPG > Wizard > New Game Wizard.
The UMA New Game Wizard can be opened by clicking Tools in the menu bar, and selecting AnyRPG > Wizard > UMA > New Game Wizard.
Game Name
The name of the game. This will show on the main menu screen.
Game Version
A text string describing the game version. This will show on the main menu screen.
Main Menu Music
An audio clip to play when the main menu scene is open.
New Game Music
An audio clip to play when the new game window is open on the main menu.
First Scene Name
The file name of the default scene that will load when a new game is started. This will also show as the title for the minimap when that scene is open.
Copy Existing Scene
If this option is not chosen, the first scene will be based on a blank template with only a large flat plane for the player to move around on. If this option is chosen, you can select an existing scene in the project to copy that will be used instead of the blank template scene.
Existing Scene
If Copy Existing Scene is selected, link the scene that should serve as the template for the first scene here.
Day Ambient Sounds
An audio clip of ambient environmental sounds to play during the day when the first scene is open.
Night Ambient Sounds
An audio clip of ambient environmental sounds to play during the night when the first scene is open.
Background Music
An audio clip of background music to play when the first scene is open.
Install Gold Currency Group
Installs the Gold Currency Group template that consists of gold, silver, and copper.
Install Armor Classes
Installs the All Armor Classes template that consists of cloth, leather, and plate armor classes.
Install Character Stats
Installs the All Character Stats template that consists of stamina, intellect, strength, and agility.
Install Item Qualities
Installs the All Item Qualities template that consists of the poor, common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, and heirloom item qualities.
Install Power Resources
Installs the All Power Resources template that consists of health, mana, rage, and energy.
Install Unit Toughnesses
Installs the All Unit Toughnesses template package that consists of 2 man, 5 man, 10 man, 25 man, solo dungeon minion, and solo dungeon boss unit toughnesses.
Install Weapon Skills
Installs the All Weapon Skills template package that consists of bow, crossbow, dagger, fist, one hand axe, one hand mace, one hand sword, shield, staff, two hand axe, two hand mace, two hand sword, unarmed, and wand weapon skills.
Install Footstep Sounds
Installs the Footstep Sound Effects template that includes many different types of footstep sounds including gravel, sand, snow, etc.
Install Weather
Installs the All Weather Profiles template that includes snow, rain, and fog weather.
Install Human Voices
Installs the Core Voice Profiles template that includes many varieties of male and female human voices.
After choosing the appropriate options for your game, click Create.
A folder structure similar to what is shown in the picture below will have been created.
In the Prefab/GameManager folder you can find 3 prefabs. The purpose of each is discussed below.
The Game Manager prefab contains all of the scripts necessary to run the game. It also contains the global game configuration in the SystemConfigurationManager, which you can edit to customize global options for the game.
The Game Manager should only ever exist in the game loading scene, which the wizard will have setup already.
The Scene Config prefab is a special prefab that can go in any scene to allow you to press the Play button in Unity and have the game load correctly.
If the UMA version of the wizard was used, UMA_GLIB prefab will have been installed. The UMA Global Library is required for the Unity Multipurpose Avatar system to function properly, and will have already been placed in the game loading scene by the wizard.
In the Prefab/Portal folder you can find a portal prefab. This object can be placed in any scene to create a portal that your player can walk through to return to the first scene.
Scene Nodes for the Main Menu and First Scene can be found in the Resources/GameName/SceneNode folder. The objects contain metadata about the 2 scenes, including the name of the scene file on disk, the display name to be used in-game on on the minimap title, and the name of the audio profiles to play when that scene is open.
System Effects can be found in the Resources/GameName/AbilityEffect/System folder. These are special visual and audio effects activated by the system when the player dies, when the player gains a level, and when a dead enemy has loot that can be collected. The Game manager will have been automatically configured to use these effects.
Unit profiles are character definitions and can be found in the Resources/GameName/UnitProfile/Player folder. By default, definitions for male and female characters will have been created. If the UMA version of the wizard was used, the installed unit profiles will be UMA profiles instead of mecanim profiles.
Depending on which other options were selected under the Common RPG Building Blocks subheading on the New Game Wizard screen, you will find the appropriate scriptable objects in subfolders of the Resources/GameName folder.
The loading scene is a special scene with the sole purpose of setting the Game Manager and UMA Global Library to DontDestroyOnLoad so they persist through any scene changes, and then running the startup process of the Game Manager to initialize the data factory and UI, before loading the main menu.
By default, both the loading scene and the first scene will have been added to the build settings, which can be access through the File > Build Settings... option from the Unity editor menu bar.
After the wizard completes running, the First Scene will be open. Press the Play button in the Unity editor to start playing.
If audio files were chosen on the New Game Wizard window, then AudioProfile scriptable objects will exist in the Resources/GameName/AudioProfile folder. These objects contain links to the audio files that were selected.
The first scene is the default scene that will load when a new game is started. It will contain the SceneConfig object, which is a special object that allows you to press play from that scene, and have the system automatically load the loading scene to perform game initialization. The contents of the scene will either be a blank template level with a plane your character can stand on, or the contents of whatever scene you chose to copy when configuring the New Game Wizard.